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Pros and Cons of Tankless Water Heater

A water heater on a wall

Pros and Cons of Tankless Water Heaters

Having a tankless water heater in your home can be an excellent choice compared to a traditional tank water heater, especially if you live in an area that experiences extreme temperatures during different times of the year.

However, there are some pros and cons that should be considered before you decide to purchase and install one. This article will cover the pros and cons of tankless water heaters to help you determine whether they’re right for your home or not.

What is a Tankless Water Heater?

A tankless water heater may be an option if you’re looking for a green way to heat water. While it has several benefits, these units can also have their drawbacks. If you’re trying to decide whether a tankless water heater is right for your home, consider both pros and cons.

Pros of Having a Tankless Water Heater

The benefit of having a tankless water heater is you don’t have to refill it. This can save you money and time because you don’t have to refill it frequently. The tank-type water heaters not only take a lot of your money but also need much more time to fill with water when they run out. So, installing an on-demand or tankless water heater with a low-flow rate will be your perfect choice.

Besides, a tankless water heater does its job quietly without generating noise like a boiler does. So if you install a gas-fueled power unit for it, there won’t be any dust coming from your running device either. Moreover, if there are leaking problems from old piping systems in your house, tankless water heaters can quickly repair them too by getting rid of all sediment and minerals in pipes that are hard to clean up manually.

Cons of Having a Tankless Water Heater

What are some disadvantages of having a tankless water heater? It’s probably not surprising to hear that there are some challenges associated with switching from a standard storage-tank water heater to a tankless water heater. And while these downsides shouldn’t deter you from making your switch, it’s worth learning about them before deciding on which type of tankless heater is best for you.

For example, here are a few potential challenges. People have certain expectations. They think that hot water will immediately be available when they turn on their faucet; if so, how hot will it be? That’s all common sense when you have a traditional storage-tank water heater in place. You see what’s happening in real time—water entering at a specific temperature and getting hotter as more cold enters—and people can anticipate accordingly.

When you install a tankless system, things change. The temperature can fluctuate significantly depending on whether or not someone uses hot water or has recently used it. There may also be periods when no hot water is available until sufficient demand is made (something called lulling). This could leave you flustered and disappointed upon trying to wash dishes or take a shower only to discover that the hot water isn’t working yet.

Comparison Between the Traditional Tank Water Heaters and the Tankless Ones

The traditional water heaters come with a water tank which is supposed to store hot water so that you can use it at any time. However, these tanks have to wait for a long period before they heat up and release hot water, especially when many people are using hot water at once. If you live in an area where there are lots of houses around yours, then waiting may become longer because more people would need hot water than usual.

When to use Tankless Water Heaters?

When you’re remodeling, installing a tankless water heater can easily boost your home’s energy efficiency. Because they have no tank, they use only as much energy as is needed at any given time. They also don’t hold up to a full water tank like standard heaters do, meaning less energy is wasted on keeping a full tank hot at all times.

That said, if you’re looking for short-term savings, it might not make sense financially; tankless water heaters may cost more than traditional models and some utility companies give fewer incentives for using them because they waste less energy overall.

Tips on Picking the Best Tankless Water Heater

When shopping for a tankless water heater, there are a few things to consider. If you’re shopping online, know what state you live in. Since each state has different requirements on how far away from your home your tankless water heater must be located, it’s important to check before making a purchase. Also, even though they’re smaller than standard models, do make sure you have enough space in your garage or outside to install one.

Get in contact with the Water Heater Professionals at Bulldog Rooter today to learn more about which Water Heater Type is best for you!

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