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The Main Reasons of Sump Pump Failures

What are the main reasons of sump pump failures? Most sump pumps break down because people don’t know how to use them properly or they don’t maintain them on a regular basis. There are several reasons why your sump pump can break down, but you should always know how to fix them and when to call a professional. Follow this simple guide and you will know what the main causes of a sump pump failure are, so read on!

What are Sump Pumps?

A sump pump is a device designed to remove water from a sump pit, which is an area below your basement floor that collects and diverts any excess water away from your foundation and into your drainage system. A typical home may have a dedicated sump pump or multiple pumps; they are generally used to protect your basement or cellar if there’s ever flooding in your home. Often located near a water source, pumps also include float switches that shut off power automatically when water reaches a certain level, allowing you to avoid floods as well as costly repairs. There are many reasons why sump pumps fail; here are just some of them. 

What are the main reasons for Sump Pump Failure?

The Main reasons for Sump Pump Failure Include: 

Power Outages

If you live in an area prone to power outages, like a lot of people in New England do, it’s important to invest in a reliable backup system. It can be as simple as a battery-powered backup sump pump (which are super affordable these days), or you can even buy an automatic float switch that automatically turns on your sump pump if your power goes out for some reason. They start at around $25 and run up to around $150 depending on how fancy they are.  

Installation Issues

Other installation issues can also lead to failures with your sump pump, including no check valve or improper backflow prevention device. This is another reason why it’s so important to hire professionals for installation if at all possible. 

Storms and Flooding

If you’re lucky enough to live in an area where flooding isn’t much of a concern, then consider yourself one of those folks who doesn’t need to worry about proper sizing when it comes to choosing your pumps. But before you jump into buying any model just because it seems right at first glance, think about how bad flooding is where you live and what sort of storms come through frequently. For example, many parts of North Carolina only have light rain each year — but flash floods could easily flood basements and make backups happen within minutes during strong storms! 

If you live in an area that has frequent major storms that end up overflowing sump pumps, then you’re going to want a larger-sized pump. Most experts recommend 1/3 or 1⁄2 horsepower pumps for single family homes in these areas.  

How to Avoid Sump Pump Failures? 

In order to prevent sump pump failures, it is essential to understand why a sump pump fails. There are many reasons for a sump pump failure. The most common reason is that a homeowner forgets to check and empty their sump pit on a regular basis. This will cause problems with your sump pump since it cannot empty all of your water in one session. Therefore, you should ensure that you check your pit regularly in order to avoid clogging issues with your sump pump. 

You should also make sure that you have chosen a quality product when installing your system since quality products tend to be more efficient than low-end models. However, not all sump pumps can handle adverse weather conditions. If you live in an area that gets a lot of snow or rain every year, then we recommend choosing a backup generator as well as additional drainage outside of your home. That way if something goes wrong with your pump during winter storm season then you’ll still have another option available to get rid of excess water from inside your home. These are just some quick tips on how to avoid sump pump failures at home!

Sump Pump Failure – Conclusion 

Usually, sump pump failures are a sign that your home’s plumbing is old or was installed improperly. Cracks in a foundation can also cause water to back up and clog your sump pit. If you don’t fix these problems, you’ll likely face recurring problems with your sump pump. Here are some examples: 

  1. Water can seep into your basement through cracks in your foundation walls;
  2. If there’s not enough room for all of it, some of that water will leak out where foundation meets wall;
  3. When it gets cold outside, water expands and finds a way to escape through cracks;
  4. Colder temperatures make groundwater freeze sooner;
  5. Foundations expand when it gets warm.

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