Should you Replace Your Plumbing Pipes When Remodeling

When you remodel your kitchen, bathroom, or any other room in your home, you’ll need to decide whether to replace your plumbing pipes or keep them as they are.

Here are some factors to consider when deciding whether to replace plumbing pipes during a remodel or renovation project. 

Why Replacing Old Plumbing Pipes Makes Sense?

Do you need to replace your pipes when remodeling a kitchen or bathroom in your home? Many homeowners go ahead and do that. It’s a good idea for several reasons; 

  • First, installing new plumbing means you won’t have to worry about finding a replacement if an old pipe springs a leak at some point in the future. 
  • Second, it gives you an opportunity to upgrade your piping with more modern components that may help improve efficiency. 
  • Third, it allows you to take advantage of newer technology like better-insulated pipes or those made from materials that resist mold and mildew growths more effectively than traditional PVC piping options. 
  • Finally, it’s often less expensive in terms of upfront installation costs to replace all of your old pipes at once as opposed to doing so over time as leaks develop. 

What are the Benefits of Replacing Old Plumbing Pipes?

It is never a good idea to wait until an emergency occurs before you pay attention to your plumbing system. If your pipes are old, they can break at any time and leave you with a huge mess to clean up. Replacing old plumbing pipes as part of a remodel is always a good investment for any homeowner who cares about both their home and their finances. Here are three reasons why replacing old plumbing pipes in your home’s remodel is so important. 

You never know when an emergency might occur, so it makes sense to have a strong support system in place before disaster strikes. If you wait until you have an emergency to start thinking about what to do, it can be too late; it’s better to be prepared ahead of time. New pipes will help you sleep easy at night because they won’t leave you with worrying about paying for expensive emergency repairs or flooded basements and crawl spaces!

When Should I Replace my Pipes?

There’s no magic formula that lets homeowners know exactly when their old pipes should be replaced. However, if they haven’t been changed since your home was built, then you’re probably due for new ones!

Do I Need to Replace My Own Drains or Sewer Lines? 

In some circumstances, a professional plumber can replace just your drain. If your main sewer line is clogged or backed up, for example, a plumber can snake it and replace just that section of pipe (without having to replace everything from underneath your house). However, if you have an older home with less-than-perfectly installed drain lines in your bathroom or kitchen, it’s more likely that you’ll need to rip out all of those old drains and install new ones when you remodel.

This usually happens because installation standards were not as stringent at one time, so pipes were not properly positioned (in other words, they don’t run up and down in relation to their corresponding drains) or they are corroded. 

How much does it Cost to Replace Drains and Sewer Lines? 

The biggest factor in your final costs will be how much work you are willing to do yourself. Replacing old drain and sewer lines is quite labor-intensive, which can easily make it one of your most expensive home repair projects, depending on what type of setup you have.

However, some types of plumbing jobs require less effort than others, even if they are pricier upfront. For example, replacing copper pipes with PVC pipes might cost significantly more up front but will save you lots of time and effort down the road because PVC is easier to install and doesn’t need extra equipment (like a heat gun) or special training. 

Will I Need a Professional Contractor to do the Work? 

Before you begin a remodel, be sure to find out if your pipes will need to be replaced. If your plumbing is very old, or if you live in an area with a lot of hard water, then it may be wise to invest in new pipes rather than try and get away with patching up and reusing your existing ones.

Who do I hire to replace my drains and sewer lines? 

Well Bulldog Rooter of course! We can provide you with a free estimate for any plumbing pipe replacement or construction/remodeling services! 


In most cases, it’s not necessary to replace your pipes when remodeling. In fact, you might find that remodelers charge more for pipe replacement than other renovation services they provide. Of course, if there are problems with your pipes or they are in particularly bad shape, you may need to replace them during a remodel. Before you decide whether to replace your plumbing pipes or not, consider how old they are and what condition they’re in.

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